Monthly Update

December, 2024

what a month!

it seemed like there was almost something to do every day that brought us out into town and around friends, church, or a Christmas doing. it was absolutely wonderful.

in a different year, or under a different sort of being, i might have wished to have less to do. but, this season was needed after the challenges and uphill-ness of post-hurricane helene life. we got to see and be seen by all the people we love and find comfort in life together. that was worth every packing up for the kids, taking shoes on and off, the ins and outs of the van, the dollars spent, and on and on. it was wonderful. and i already miss it.

we also, thanks be to God, got back into our house on December 18th! Christmas in our home has been a treat. there is lots of sand around which makes the house feel a bit less clean and cozy, but i'll be getting past that i'm sure. i laid some wood chips down for a path yesterday so hopefully that can help until we get all the sand moved by tractor in the middle of January.

there's been so much to rest on this month. i can tend towards discounting my own pain or needs externally but being in such close proximity to our friends and family this month has just helped me heal. it has helped me find rest and joy.

one special day i don't want to forget: on Boxing Day, Sadie, Goldie, and I went into Asheville to have a day to ourselves. we stopped by Mast General Store, went to a coffee shop on Wall Street for a while, walked around downtown, ate lunch at Panera, and capped it with date night with together without the kids at a new restaurant in town (Hell or High Water) and a drink at Pure and Proper afterwards.

i won't soon forget the peace, love, and hope this month has brought to me. these being the hope of Christ coming into the world, i think it is no wonder they have made themselves known.

May It Last

November, 2024

i got lucky realizing that today was 11/30, the last day to write a November update during the month. i guess, in that tone, i feel as if it's been a very fast month. Goldie, our third baby, was born, sooner than we expected, on 11/16! so the last two weeks have been very wrapped up in her in just the best way. i can't believe we have her. the birth was a bit quick and scary in some moments, but we are healthy and grateful for new life in our family.

since the hurricane, we've continued to feel unbelievably supported by our friends and family, and those we don't know. mom and dad were here for the first week of Goldie's life. dad worked over at the house every day trying to mend the broken things. mom made lots of food and provided good support. Linda got here a a week ago and has give lots of support with meals and taking kids to the playground. Thanksgiving was wonderful :) we went to Emily and Michaels for the day. who knew you could smoke a turkey. Michael and I shared Cold Mountains, I threw balls in the backyard with Shepherd, and Greta was mischevious as usual, bringing home some of their coasters in Goldie's diaper bag.

i've been pretty furiously working on my newest project, Foundation. it's a passion project - building a library of essays and blogs from like the coolest and most important people in tech - and i've gotten the most feedback (and positive) on it that any other project. better keep going!

cheers to December and Christmas! I'm hoping we're going to be back in the house around 12/20, just in time for Christmas. staying at Paul and Lisle's has been a huge gift, and we're ready to go home :)

October, 2024

on September 27th, Hurricane Helen hit the mountains of western North Carolina and where we live in the Swannanoa Valley and surrounding Asheville area pretty bad. after 2 initial weeks staying with my folks in Mississippi, we got home on 10/12. our house was decently flooded (all exterior). we're staying at our friend Amy's for 2 weeks, then staying at our friend Paul's family's house in Montreat for at least a month after. fingers crossed, we're back in our house by the time baby #3 arrives mid-December! I wrote up my recollection of the day of, and day after, the hurricane here on my blog.